Thursday, August 19, 2010

Do You Ever Feel Like Skipping a Day?

I had to avoid posting yesterday, since it could only have been Whiny Wednesday, and that's not the www persona i'm trying to foster here. But things are looking up today, and so it is Thankful Thursday!

I am thankful for so many things (although i could probably whine about just as many things), like i'm so thankful that my husband's job still seems pretty stable. When there are so many people being laid off, we'll accept the wage freeze, and the lack of Christmas bonus, with hardly a grumble. (See, i snuck a subtle whine in there, didn't i?)

I'm thankful for the internet and so many people uploading so much information. I would love to try the Double Helix glass rods, but not many of them work with the propane torch. But because other propane people have "tried" new glasses, and then have posted about their successes and failures, i have a slightly better idea whether i would be wasting my money in buying these cool glasses to use on my set up. I just put in a glass order to Arrow Springs, and i did not pull the trigger on the Double Helix this time. Maybe i'll put it on my Christmas list, but at this point i can't afford to "try" something that i'm just not sure will give me some sort of results i can use. (~$25 per 1/4 lb. of one type.) What i'd be REALLY thankful for, is if someone out there would be willing to sell me a couple of rods of the DH colors that i have the best chance of success with on my propane system. I understand that propane torches don't work with the striking colors, but that some people can get good results with reducing colors, like Triton and Psyche.

If a little kitty or puppy was wondering around lost and overwhelmed in the middle of a parking lot, i'd like to think that most people would take some time to take the poor little thing to safety, by either dropping it off at an animal shelter or taking it home and pressuring everyone they know to adopt it. But i'm thankful that some people care about the welfare of hideously unattractive creatures, too. This snapping turtle might not have been feeling lost or overwhelmed, but he was probably feeling a little stunned and unsure about where the water went. And for all i know, he might have a sweet personality. He was in a big gravel parking lot, a good half mile from a wet ditch. Someone heaved him into their pick up and then took it to the university where they found my hubby who offered to take temporary custody. So this guy is living in our bath tub until Saturday when he will be transported to a permanent body of water, away from hiways and parking lots.

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